31 January 2025
Union calls out government over BPICs lies and secrecy
The government are either liars or incompetent or both!
The latest headlines in the mainstream media about the state government’s secrecy over BPICs show how out of depth the new LNP government are with the rigours of governing. After making a big deal about suspending the inaccurately labelled CFMEU tax – BPICs in November last year, the government has rolled out lies like confetti and tried to cover up their political attacks, according to the Electrical Trades Union.
“The latest headlines in the Courier Mail “Secrecy reeks of cover up” reveals the lengths the government has gone to hide the reasons why they suspended BPIC’s. We can only assume, they plucked figures out of the air $17b here, 30% there, and used them to attack hard working Queenslanders working in the construction industry for political gain, in short, they lied.” ETU state secretary Peter Ong said.
The ETU said BPIC’s were negotiated to give certainty for government, workers, developers and builders to provide EBA standard wages and conditions and clear, concise health and safety standards on issues such as heat stress and high-risk activities on state government funded projects valued at over $100million.
“BPIC’s also provided best practice commitments to apprentices and trainees and championed harmonious industrial relations. They levelled the playing field, that had been so badly skewed to unscrupulous builders who sought to maximise profits at the expense of workers’ wages and health.” Mr Ong said.
“The LNP at both a state and federal level have mis represented what BPICS is, using politically loaded language to usher in lower wages and reduce the safety on construction jobs putting lives at risk. They have plucked figures from thin air and they have been found out, they have either lied or they are so incompetent they are frightened of scrutiny, either way Queensland deserves better.”
For more information, please call Peter Ong on 0419 721 046 or Andrew Irvine 0429 535 860