COVID vaccine statement

The ETU encourages all Members to get the COVID-19 vaccination if and when you are eligible. Getting the nation vaccinated is the only pathway out of the pandemic and the sole way we can see business running as usual without the disruptions of necessary lockdowns to manage the spread of COVID-19.
At this time, it is not lawful for your employer to force workers to get vaccinated, or ban unvaccinated workers from coming to work. If your employer is attempting to force you to get vaccinated now, get in contact with us. We’ll represent any Member whose employer is acting unlawfully, which currently includes forced vaccination, or discrimination based on vaccination status. The ETU operates within the law. It’s our job to make sure the employers of every one of our Members are following the law, and we will represent any Member whose employer fails to do so.
The ETU is pro-vaccination. We strongly encourage our Members to get vaccinated when you are able and eligible to do so. When a significant percentage of Australians are vaccinated, we will see a pathway out of lockdowns, restrictions, and uncertainty. Vaccination is the only way out of the COVID-19 pandemic.
As always, reach out to us if you need support, and stay safe comrades.