29 August 2018
Kone Elevators Queensland ETU members set to walk off the job.
Frustrated members just want what they are entitled to
On Thursday 30th August ETU members at Kone elevators across the state will walk of the job over Kone management’s refusal to include a Multi -Storey Allowance in their new enterprise agreement.
ETU State Assistant Secretary Keith McKenzie said although negotiations had been progressing quite well, one of the main sticking points is the non-payment of a Multi Storey Allowance for workers working on large high-rise buildings.
“It’s an anomaly that adversely affects these workers, the Multi-Storey Allowance has been paid to building construction workers for many years and the Time’s Up for Kone to also pay this allowance to lift mechanics.
The members claim is not outrageous, they are just seeking an award entitlement and parity” Keith McKenzie said.
“Working in a lift shaft, installing rails and equipment is highly skilled and dangerous work. Members are working a full day in these dark lift shafts, if anyone, they are entitled to, and deserve the Multi-Storey Allowance”
On Thursday 30th August, Kone Elevators Construction and Repair ETU members will stop work from 10.30am to consider further action. An indefinite overtime ban will also be in place.
The Protected Industrial Action will not affect the Kone service business or hinder the safety of anyone trapped in Elevators.
However, the industrial action will affect businesses and apartments where elevators are being modernised, undertaking a major repair or are sites where construction work is taking place, workers and residents are advised to seek information from their building managers in those cases.
The members are hopeful Kone Management will reconsider their position and pay this long overdue allowance.
For further information contact Keith McKenzie 0419 721 056 or Andrew Irvine 0448 633 858